Saturday, June 25, 2011

Thatta Girl

Recently Donald Miller (who I like to reference in my blog more than anyone else) got engaged. Earlier this week, he wrote a blog post about how his new fiance, Paige, found a journal entry in which she listed out the qualities she wanted in her future spouse. Miller includes this list in his blog post, and it includes a lot of good things, like how she wanted a guy who wants to talk to her every day, who is consistent in his actions and behavior, who reassures her, and who puts her first in his life after God. Miller also writes that making a list like this "gives a single person a filter through which to weed out candidates that don't fit," and he encourages his single readers to make a list of qualities that they themselves would like to see in a future significant other.

That seemed like a good idea, and so, for your enjoyment, I present my own list. So, without further ado:

I want someone who...

- Is unable to beat me in arm wrestling. (This really narrows down the field.)
- Can tolerate being in a room with me for at least 10 minutes at a time. (Again, this narrows things down quite a bit.)
- Will watch ball games with me without expecting me to watch HGTV or Lifetime with her.
- Works at a BBQ restaurant so that she can hook me up with free food. Or even better, lives in a BBQ restaurant, so that I can eat some whenever I go see her.
- Reads a lot (especially Donald Miller, C.S. Lewis, and A Chicken in a Cage With a Ferret).
- Doesn't have any Ke$ha or Justin Bieber songs on her iPod.
- Would rather be treated to a nice dinner at Chick-fil-A than at fancy French restaurant.
- Can understand mumbling. It gets to be too much effort for me to speak up.
- Won't criticize me in public for my jean shorts.
- Can come up with good blog post ideas when I can't think of anything.
- Wears glasses. Yup.
- Doesn't make fun of my voice when I sing during the songs at church. Or when I just talk, actually.
- Thinks that a guy who is good at bowling is way more attractive than a football player.
- Doesn't chew her ice.
- Looks good in Cincinnati Reds apparel. (Of course, who doesn't?)
- Would be down for semiannual Planet of the Apes marathons.

Well, I guess that's about it. Granted, I would waive any of these criteria for my old bank teller, Katie. But I don't know where she is now, and all last semester I had Kyle Tapper as my bank teller instead. He's nice and all, but it was just such a downgrade.

What's on your list?

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